Pentoxifylline Embryo Hasarını Azaltıyor

Effect Of Pentoxifylline İn Reducing Oxidative Stress-İnduced Embryotoxicity1

Xiaoyan Zhang,2 Rakesh K. Sharma,2,3 Ashok Agarwal,2 and Tommaso Falcone2 Submitted May 13, 2005; accepted July 6, 2005

Purpose: To 1) evaluate the embryotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide on mouse embryo development and 2) examine if pentoxifylline can reverse hydrogen peroxide induced embryotoxicity.

Methods: Prospective in vitro study examining the effects of varying concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and pentoxifylline on the blastocyst development rate alone as well as in combination.

Results: A dose-dependent decrease in % BDR was seen with increasing concentrations of H2O2. High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (>60μM) were embryotoxic. Pentoxifylline (500μM) was able to reduce the embryotoxic effect of hydrogen peroxide. Percent blastocyst development rate increased from 44% in hydrogen peroxide alone to 85% in hydrogen peroxide and pentoxifylline coincubation.

Conclusions: Pentoxifylline may be beneficial in reducing hydrogen peroxide induced embryo damage and improve IVF outcome. Patients with endometriosis-associated infertility may benefit from the use of pentoxifylline without significantly affecting embryo development

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